
SSBD is a platform for sharing and reusing bioimaging data. SSBD:repository is an open data archive that stores and publishes bioimaging and biological quantitative datasets that are associated with published or to be published studies. It allow other researchers to access and download those datasets for referene or for further investigations.

SSBD:repository shares 51 projects, 11.1 TB, SSBD shares totally 250 projects, 35.1 TB (2024-07-27)

Find the dataset from search box above, or see the dataset list in Resources.

See Citation Policies(PDF) for citation instructions.

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Recent posters

Poster MBSJ2022

MBSJ2022 (PDF)

Poster BDR Retreat 2022

BDR Retreat 2022 (PDF)

Poster J-Bioimaging 2022

J-Bioimaging 2022 (PDF)


  • 2023-10-05,
    SSBD:database 2023 update
    We are pleased to announce the SSBD:database 2023 update, We released 29 projects, which include 2030 image datasets (1.7TB) and 168 quantitative datasets (100GB). The added datasets have already been …
  • 2023-10-05,
    QtBD5Viewer upgrade
    We present an upgrade of the QtBD5Viewer software. This new version offers: - Visualize track paths described in the BD5 format. - Show objects and label names as a hierarchical …
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