Detail of Fig4_HeLaYC360_5spf

Fluoresence imaging of FRET-based calcium ion imaging in HeLa cells.
Fluoresence imaging of FRET-based calcium ion imaging in HeLa cells.
Release, Updated
Image data
File Formats
uncompressed TIFF
Data size
45.4 GB

Homo sapiens ( NCBI:txid9606 )
Cell Line
HeLa cell ( CLO_0003684 )

Molecular Function (MF)
Biological Process (BP)
calcium-mediated signaling ( GO:0019722 ) cAMP-mediated signaling ( GO:0019933 )
Cellular Component (CC)
nucleus ( GO:0005634 )
Biological Imaging Method
fluorescence microscopy ( Fbbi:00000246 )
FRET ( Fbbi:00000367 )
X scale
1.1 micrometer/pixel
Y scale
1.1 micrometer/pixel
Z scale
T scale
5 seconds per frame

Image Acquisition
Experiment type
Microscope type
Acquisition mode
Contrast method
Microscope model
Detector model
Objective model
Filter set

Summary of Methods
See details in Ichimura T, et. al. (2021) Sci Rep. 2021 Aug 16;11(1):16539.
Related paper(s)

T Ichimura, T Kakizuka, K Horikawa, K Seiriki, A Kasai, H Hashimoto, K Fujita, T M Watanabe, T Nagai (2021) Exploring rare cellular activity in more than one million cells by a transscale scope., Scientific reports, Volume 11, Number 1, pp. 16539

Published in 2021 Aug 16 (Electronic publication in Aug. 16, 2021, midnight )

(Abstract) In many phenomena of biological systems, not a majority, but a minority of cells act on the entire multicellular system causing drastic changes in the system properties. To understand the mechanisms underlying such phenomena, it is essential to observe the spatiotemporal dynamics of a huge population of cells at sub-cellular resolution, which is difficult with conventional tools such as microscopy and flow cytometry. Here, we describe an imaging system named AMATERAS that enables optical imaging with an over-one-centimeter field-of-view and a-few-micrometer spatial resolution. This trans-scale-scope has a simple configuration, composed of a low-power lens for machine vision and a hundred-megapixel image sensor. We demonstrated its high cell-throughput, capable of simultaneously observing more than one million cells. We applied it to dynamic imaging of calcium ions in HeLa cells and cyclic-adenosine-monophosphate in Dictyostelium discoideum, and successfully detected less than 0.01% of rare cells and observed multicellular events induced by these cells.
(MeSH Terms)
Related paper(s)

Ichimura, T., Kakizuka, T., Horikawa, K., Seiriki, K., Kasai, A., Hashimoto, H., Fujita, K., Watanabe, T. M., Nagai, T. (2021/01/01), Exploring rare cellular activity in more than one million cells by a trans-scale-scope, bioRxiv, 2020.06.29.179044

Published in 2021/01/01

(Abstract) None

Takeharu Nagai , Osaka University, SANKEN (The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research)

OMERO Dataset
OMERO Project