Yi Ding, Masako Kaido, Elena Llano, Alberto M Pendas, Tomoya S Kitajima (2018) The Post-anaphase SUMO Pathway Ensures the Maintenance of Centromeric Cohesion through Meiosis I-II Transition in Mammalian Oocytes., Current biology : CB, Volume 28, Number 10, pp. 1661-1669.e4
Published in 2018 May 21 (Electronic publication in May 10, 2018, midnight )
(Abstract) The production of haploid gametes requires the maintenance of centromeric cohesion between sister chromatids through the transition between two successive meiotic divisions, meiosis I and meiosis II. One mechanism for the cohesion maintenance is shugoshin-dependent protection of centromeric cohesin at anaphase I onset [1-3]. However, how centromeric cohesion is maintained during late anaphase I and telophase I, when centromeric shugoshin is undetectable [1-3], remains largely unexplored. Here we show that the centromeric small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO) pathway is critical for the maintenance of centromeric cohesion during post-anaphase-I periods in mouse oocytes. SUMO2/3 and E3 ligase PIAS are enriched near centromeres during late anaphase I and telophase I. Specific perturbation of the centromeric SUMO pathway results in precocious loss of centromeric cohesin at telophase I, although shugoshin-dependent centromeric protection at anaphase I onset remains largely intact. Prevention of the SUMO perturbation during post-anaphase-I periods restores the maintenance of centromeric cohesion through the meiosis I-II transition. Thus, the post-anaphase-I centromeric SUMO pathway ensures continuous maintenance of centromeric cohesion through the meiosis I-II transition.(MeSH Terms)