Detail of Fig2D_170301_interKT_pias1dn-cenpc_image12

Immunostaining images of mouse oocytes of a dominant-negative form of PIAS1 (PIAS1(dn)) fused to CENP-C (PIAS-CENP-C) at metaphase II (kinetochores:ACA, green, DNA:blue)
Immunostaining images of mouse oocytes of a dominant-negative form of PIAS1 (PIAS1(dn)) fused to CENP-C (PIAS-CENP-C) at metaphase II (kinetochores:ACA, green, DNA:blue)
Release, Updated
Image data
File Formats
Data size
185.2 MB

Mus musculus ( NCBI:txid10090 )
Cell Line
Protein names

Molecular Function (MF)
Biological Process (BP)
centromeric sister chromatid cohesion ( GO:0070601 ) meiotic cell cycle ( GO:0051321 )
Cellular Component (CC)
kinetochore ( GO:0000776 ) chromosome ( GO:0005694 )
Biological Imaging Method
fluorescence microscopy ( Fbbi:00000246 )
X scale
0.0370654 micrometer/pixel
Y scale
0.0370654 micrometer/pixel
Z scale
0.8 micrometer/slice
T scale

Image Acquisition
Experiment type
Microscope type
Acquisition mode
Contrast method
Microscope model
Detector model
Objective model
Filter set

Summary of Methods
See details in Ding Y, et. al. (2018) Current Biology, 28(10): 1661-1669.
Related paper(s)

Yi Ding, Masako Kaido, Elena Llano, Alberto M Pendas, Tomoya S Kitajima (2018) The Post-anaphase SUMO Pathway Ensures the Maintenance of Centromeric Cohesion through Meiosis I-II Transition in Mammalian Oocytes., Current biology : CB, Volume 28, Number 10, pp. 1661-1669.e4

Published in 2018 May 21 (Electronic publication in May 10, 2018, midnight )

(Abstract) The production of haploid gametes requires the maintenance of centromeric cohesion between sister chromatids through the transition between two successive meiotic divisions, meiosis I and meiosis II. One mechanism for the cohesion maintenance is shugoshin-dependent protection of centromeric cohesin at anaphase I onset [1-3]. However, how centromeric cohesion is maintained during late anaphase I and telophase I, when centromeric shugoshin is undetectable [1-3], remains largely unexplored. Here we show that the centromeric small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO) pathway is critical for the maintenance of centromeric cohesion during post-anaphase-I periods in mouse oocytes. SUMO2/3 and E3 ligase PIAS are enriched near centromeres during late anaphase I and telophase I. Specific perturbation of the centromeric SUMO pathway results in precocious loss of centromeric cohesin at telophase I, although shugoshin-dependent centromeric protection at anaphase I onset remains largely intact. Prevention of the SUMO perturbation during post-anaphase-I periods restores the maintenance of centromeric cohesion through the meiosis I-II transition. Thus, the post-anaphase-I centromeric SUMO pathway ensures continuous maintenance of centromeric cohesion through the meiosis I-II transition.
(MeSH Terms)

Tomoya S. Kitajima , RIKEN , Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research , Laboratory for Chromosome Segregation

OMERO Dataset
OMERO Project