Detail of Fig5C_MovieS1_FucciSA5

Time-lapse image of Fucci(SA)5 fluorescent protein in live HeLa cells
Time-lapse image of Fucci(SA)5 fluorescent protein in live HeLa cells. In this Fucci(SA)5 system, we can monitor the cell-cycle progression by visualising red, green and merged color.
Release, Updated
Image data
File Formats
Data size
252.9 MB

Homo sapiens ( NCBITaxon:9606 )
Cell Line
HeLa/Fucci(SA)5 (clone #16) (RCB 4917)

Molecular Function (MF)
Biological Process (BP)
cell cycle phase transition ( GO:0044770 )
Cellular Component (CC)
Biological Imaging Method
time lapse microscopy ( Fbbi:00000249 )
fluorescence microscopy ( Fbbi:00000246 )
X scale
0.65 micrometer/pixel
Y scale
0.65 micrometer/pixel
Z scale
T scale
17 minutes per time interval

Image Acquisition
Experiment type
Microscope type
Acquisition mode
Contrast method
Microscope model
Detector model
Objective model
Filter set

Summary of Methods
See details in Ando R, et. al. Cell Struct Funct. 2023 Jul 29;48(2):135-144
Related paper(s)

Ryoko Ando, Asako Sakaue-Sawano, Keiko Shoda, Atsushi Miyawaki (2023) Two coral fluorescent proteins of distinct colors for sharp visualization of cell-cycle progression., Cell structure and function

Published in 2023 Jun 30 (Electronic publication in June 30, 2023, midnight )

(Abstract) We cloned and characterized two new coral fluorescent proteins: h2-3 and 1-41. h2-3 formed an obligate dimeric complex and exhibited bright green fluorescence. On the other hand, 1-41 formed a highly multimeric complex and exhibited dim red fluorescence. We engineered 1-41 into AzaleaB5, a practically useful red-emitting fluorescent protein for cellular labeling applications. We fused h2-3 and AzaleaB5 to the ubiquitination domains of human Geminin and Cdt1, respectively, to generate a new color variant of Fucci (Fluorescent Ubiquitination-based Cell-Cycle Indicator): Fucci5. We found Fucci5 provided more reliable nuclear labeling for monitoring cell-cycle progression than the 1(st) and 2(nd) generations that used mAG/mKO2 and mVenus/mCherry, respectively. Key Words: fluorescent protein, cell cycle, time-lapse imaging, flow cytometry.

Asako Sakaue-Sawano, Atsushi Miyawaki , RIKEN, RIKEN , Center for Brain Science , Center for Brain Science , Laboratory for Cell Function Dynamics , Laboratory for Cell Function Dynamics

OMERO Dataset
OMERO Project