Detail of FigS1_GFP_knock-in_Nfurzeri_embryo

Time-lapse imaging of hba reporter expression in the GFP knock-in N. furzeri embryos.
Time-lapse imaging of hba reporter expression in the GFP knock-in N. furzeri embryos.
Release, Updated
Image data
File Formats
Data size
50.0 MB

Nothobranchius furzeri ( NCBI:txid105023 )
Cell Line
Gene symbols
Protein tags

Molecular Function (MF)
Biological Process (BP)
CRISPR-cas system ( GO:0099048 )
Cellular Component (CC)
Biological Imaging Method
time lapse microscopy ( Fbbi:00000249 )
X scale
2.468 micrometer/pixel
Y scale
2.468 micrometer/pixel
Z scale
T scale
0.14 sceonds of time interval

Image Acquisition
Experiment type
Microscope type
Acquisition mode
Contrast method
Microscope model
Detector model
Objective model
Filter set

Summary of Methods
See details in Oginuma M, et. al. (2022) Sci Rep, Jul 8;12(1):11628.
Related paper(s)

Masayuki Oginuma, Moana Nishida, Tomomi Ohmura-Adachi, Kota Abe, Shohei Ogamino, Chihiro Mogi, Hideaki Matsui, Tohru Ishitani (2022) Rapid reverse genetics systems for Nothobranchius furzeri, a suitable model organism to study vertebrate aging., Scientific reports, Volume 12, Number 1, pp. 11628

Published in 2022 Jul 8 (Electronic publication in July 8, 2022, midnight )

(Abstract) The African turquoise killifish Nothobranchius furzeri (N. furzeri) is a useful model organism for studying aging, age-related diseases, and embryonic diapause. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene knockout and Tol2 transposon-mediated transgenesis in N. furzeri have been reported previously. However, these methods take time to generate knockout and transgenic fish. In addition, knock-in technology that inserts large DNA fragments as fluorescent reporter constructs into the target gene in N. furzeri has not yet been established. Here, we show that triple-target CRISPR-mediated single gene disruption efficiently produces whole-body biallelic knockout and enables the examination of gene function in the F0 generation. In addition, we developed a method for creating the knock-in reporter N. furzeri without crossing by optimizing the CRISPR/Cas9 system. These methods drastically reduce the duration of experiments, and we think that these advances will accelerate aging and developmental studies using N. furzeri.
(MeSH Terms)

Tohru Ishitani , Osaka University , Research Institute for Microbial Diseases , Division of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Department of Homeostatic Regulation

OMERO Dataset
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