Detail of FigS9_B-gTEMP_photobleaching

Time-lapse image of photobleaching in HeLa cell expressing B-gTEMP during heat diffusion
Time-lapse image of photobleaching in HeLa cell expressing B-gTEMP during heat diffusion
Release, Updated
Image data
File Formats
Data size
80.3 MB

Homo sapiens ( NCBI:txid9606 )
Cell Line
HeLa cell ( CLO_0003684 )

Molecular Function (MF)
Biological Process (BP)
heat dissipation ( GO:0031653 )
Cellular Component (CC)
Biological Imaging Method
fluorescence microscopy ( Fbbi:00000246 )
time lapse microscopy ( Fbbi:00000249 )
X scale
433 nanometer/pixel
Y scale
433 nanometer/pixel
Z scale
T scale
311 microseconds per frame

Image Acquisition
Experiment type
Microscope type
Acquisition mode
Contrast method
Microscope model
Detector model
Objective model
Filter set

Summary of Methods
See details in Lu K, et. al. (2022) Nano Lett, 22(14):5698-5707.
Related paper(s)

Kai Lu, Tetsuichi Wazawa, Joe Sakamoto, Cong Quang Vu, Masahiro Nakano, Yasuhiro Kamei, Takeharu Nagai (2022) Intracellular Heat Transfer and Thermal Property Revealed by Kilohertz Temperature Imaging with a Genetically Encoded Nanothermometer., Nano letters, Volume 22, Number 14, pp. 5698-5707

Published in 2022 Jul 27 (Electronic publication in July 6, 2022, midnight )

(Abstract) Despite improved sensitivity of nanothermometers, direct observation of heat transport inside single cells has remained challenging for the lack of high-speed temperature imaging techniques. Here, we identified insufficient temperature resolution under short signal integration time and slow sensor kinetics as two major bottlenecks. To overcome the limitations, we developed B-gTEMP, a nanothermometer based on the tandem fusion of mNeonGreen and tdTomato fluorescent proteins. We visualized the propagation of heat inside intracellular space by tracking the temporal variation of local temperature at a time resolution of 155 mus and a temperature resolution 0.042 degrees C. By comparing the fast in situ temperature dynamics with computer-simulated heat diffusion, we estimated the thermal diffusivity of live HeLa cells. The present thermal diffusivity in cells was about 1/5.3 of that of water and much smaller than the values reported for bulk tissues, which may account for observations of heterogeneous intracellular temperature distributions.
(MeSH Terms)

Takeharu Nagai , Osaka University , SANKEN , Department of Biomolecular Science and Engineering
Kai Lu, Tetsuichi WazawaKai Lu, Tetsuichi Wazawa

OMERO Dataset
OMERO Project