Summary of 23-Shirai-ESCellTissue

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Image data based on Experiment
Number of Datasets
2 ( Image datasets: 2, Quantitative data datasets: 0 )
Size of Datasets
2.1 MB ( Image datasets: 2.1 MB, Quantitative data datasets: 0 bytes )

Homo sapiens

tissue structure
Molecular Function (MF)
Biological Process (BP)
Cellular Component (CC)
Biological Imaging Method
XYZ Scale
XY: 0.0160 micrometer/pixel, Z: NA, XY: 0.0120 micrometer/pixel, Z: NA
T scale

Image Acquisition
Experiment type
Microscope type
Acquisition mode
Contrast method
Microscope model
JEOL JEM 1010 or JEM 1400
Detector model
Objective model
Filter set

Related paper(s)

Hiroshi Shirai, Michiko Mandai, Keizo Matsushita, Atsushi Kuwahara, Shigenobu Yonemura, Tokushige Nakano, Juthaporn Assawachananont, Toru Kimura, Koichi Saito, Hiroko Terasaki, Mototsugu Eiraku, Yoshiki Sasai, Masayo Takahashi (2016) Transplantation of human embryonic stem cell-derived retinal tissue in two primate models of retinal degeneration., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Volume 113, Number 1, pp. E81-90

Published in 2016 Jan 5 (Electronic publication in Dec. 22, 2015, midnight )

(Abstract) Retinal transplantation therapy for retinitis pigmentosa is increasingly of interest due to accumulating evidence of transplantation efficacy from animal studies and development of techniques for the differentiation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells into retinal tissues or cells. In this study, we aimed to assess the potential clinical utility of hESC-derived retinal tissues (hESC-retina) using newly developed primate models of retinal degeneration to obtain preparatory information regarding the potential clinical utility of these hESC-retinas in transplantation therapy. hESC-retinas were first transplanted subretinally into nude rats with or without retinal degeneration to confirm their competency as a graft to mature to form highly specified outer segment structure and to integrate after transplantation. Two focal selective photoreceptor degeneration models were then developed in monkeys by subretinal injection of cobalt chloride or 577-nm optically pumped semiconductor laser photocoagulation. The utility of the developed models and a practicality of visual acuity test developed for monkeys were evaluated. Finally, feasibility of hESC-retina transplantation was assessed in the developed monkey models under practical surgical procedure and postoperational examinations. Grafted hESC-retina was observed differentiating into a range of retinal cell types, including rod and cone photoreceptors that developed structured outer nuclear layers after transplantation. Further, immunohistochemical analyses suggested the formation of host-graft synaptic connections. The findings of this study demonstrate the clinical feasibility of hESC-retina transplantation and provide the practical tools for the optimization of transplantation strategies for future clinical applications.
(MeSH Terms)

Michiko Mandai , RIKEN , Center for Developmental Biology , Laboratory for Retinal Regeneration
Hiroshi Shirai, Michiko Mandaia, Keizo Matsushitaa, Atsushi Kuwaharac, Shigenobu Yonemuraf, Tokushige Nakanod, Juthaporn Assawachananonta, Toru Kimurac, Koichi Saitoe, Hiroko Terasakib, Mototsugu Eirakug, Yoshiki Sasaid, Masayo Takahashi

Dataset List of 23-Shirai-ESCellTissue

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# 827
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# 828
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