NeuroGT database

Dataset D4AN_TM11.5_G
Title brain sections of a P7 mouse (ID:1) that was birthdate tagged at E11.5 (TM11.5) and visualized for membrane-localized GFP reporter
Description DAB immunostaining with rabbit anti-GFP antibody (#598, MBL)
Strain C57BL/6 Neurod4CreER(D4A); TaumGFP-nLacZ
Birthdate Tag Driver Line Neurod4CreER(D4A) (CDB0511T)
Reporter Line TaumGFP-nLacZ , Synomyms: Mapttm2AArbr(MGI:3590682) (JAX Stock: 021162)
Age of Mouse P7
TM stage E11.5
Mouse Individual ID 1
Antibody rabbit anti-GFP antibody (#598, MBL) (RRID:AB_591816)
Detection Model Leica SCN400

Image on rabbit anti-GFP antibody

pos: 0266, section level: 5320 (um), reporter: G, slide: 027, slice: 3

Image on rabbit anti-beta-galactosidase antibody

pos: 0267, section level: 5340 (um), reporter: L, slide: 028, slice: 3