Uploaded files are as follows. C++ Codes for simulation of Micro-topographical guidance of macropinocytic signaling patches: topographical_guidance_Fig5A.cc, topographical_guidance_Fig5BC.cc, codes for visualizing results: visualize3D_topographical_guidance_Fig5A_png.cc, visualize3D_topographical_guidance_Fig5BC_png.cc data for Fig.5A, B, and C: data_topograph_Fig5A.dat, data_topograph_Fig5B.dat, data_topograph_Fig5C.dat The codes for 3D simulation (topographical_guidance_Fig5A.cc, topographical_guidance_Fig5BC.cc) require GPU computing with the open-acc compiler (pgi compiler was used). The following compile option is used (mt19937ar.cc and mt19937ar.h are for Mersenne twister): pgc++ topographical_guidance_Fig5A.cc mt19937ar.cc -acc -Minfo -ta=tesla,cc60 -fast -Bstatic_pgi To perform simulation, run as "a.out > data.dat”, where data.dat is the data file. For the visualization, OpenGL and libpng must be installed. Used compile option on macOS X is as follows: g++ visualize3D.cc -framework GLUT -framework OpenGL -mmacosx-version-min=10.8 -lpng (the compile options -mmacosx-version-min=10.8 may need to be modified according to your Mac OS version) To execute the executable file, do as “./a.out”